Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Local Metal Video Showcase!!

It's time for another local metal video showcase! I have enough videos to fill out a post devoted to just newly uploaded videos, in this first post of two today! So we have some new live videos from a defunct local band, a jam session clip, and this week's classic video, but first, here's the latest installment of a recent vlog series from a local band!

Yes, the Woods of Ypres tour vlogs are continuing deeper into Ontario from their most recent tour, as frontman David Gold has uploaded part 1 of their vlog from the Barrie concert onto his YouTube channel! In this vlog, we see the band's exit from Sudbury (and their attempts to map a route on their GPS), the band's hunt for breakfast, lots of drivetime footage, the tense moments brought on by fatigue, an interesting vehicle following the band's van, initial venue confusion in Barrie, what Evan Madden bought at an area music store, and even a Muslim moment that night! Interesting stuff, though if you're expecting concert footage, it's not online yet. Part 2 of the Barrie vlog isn't up yet, which should contain most (if not all) of the used concert video from The Foxx Lounge, but I'll have that when it gets uploaded! If you wanna check it out, the link for part 1 is below, give it a look! Stay tuned for the rest when it's posted!

Next up, this is a surprise, as some brand new videos of defunct Sault Michigan hard rockers Nixxon Dixxon are now online! These come from frontman Brandon Carr's dad Chris' YouTube channel, and you may recognize this channel for hosting some older music-related videos featuring Brandon, including two Nixxon Dixxon live clips. Well, Chris uploaded some brand new videos over the weekend of either Nixxon Dixxon or Brandon solo, including acoustic videos of the band covering Godsmack's "Touche", Pop Evil's "100 in a 55", and Shinedown's "Crow & The Butterfly" (a full re-upload of an earlier video), plus one of the full band covering Steel Dragon's "Blood Pollution", as well as Brandon's American Idol audition video (you'll never guess which song) and the full version of his International Idol cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Simple Man" (also a full version of an old video.) Check out the above links for the new videos! It's great to see new footage of Nixxon Dixxon, and the solo Brandon videos too! I miss them, and these are further proof of their talent beyond their years! The videos are centric around Brandon given who uploaded them, but he is a very good singer, and I hope he's doing well out in California! I'll show you Nixxon Dixxon's cover of "Blood Pollution" below, but check the above links for more!

Now, here's a very brief new video from Brimley hard rockers Half A Man, and it features frontman Erik Rintamaki and drummer Mikey Bishop jamming! Uploaded on Monday to the band's official YouTube channel, this video's black and white & stationary, and only focused on Erik while playing a very heavy riff. You can't see Mikey, but his drumming comes out clear as day, especially the cymbals! The video only clocks in at 56 seconds long, so I can't say too much, but it's a heavy sounding number, and I hope to hear a full version with vocals and bass soon! Check the video out below, and more at the above links!

Finally, here's this week's classic video! With so many bands taking the stage this weekend, I had numerous bands to pick from for a video to upload, and for this week, I settled on Lion Ride! They have a ton of videos online that aren't on YouTube, so it was tough finding one to post onto the SMS' YouTube channel, but this one should pique your interest! This comes from Lion Ride's show at The Foxx Lounge in Barrie on October 30th, 2009, and it's of a Halloween-inspired performance of their opening two songs from that show! Always big Kiss fans, the band decided to dress up as Kiss frontman Paul Stanley for this Devil's Night show....yes, the whole band! They didn't just all dress up as Paul, they each donned a different costume that he wore on a different 1970s or 1980s Kiss album cover, ranging from "Hotter Than Hell" to "Crazy Nights"! And even though guitarist Marco Lion and then-bassist Diamond Brent Panther wore "unmasked" era Paul Stanley costumes, they still had the Starchild facepaint! Fun idea, especially given that the Kiss Battle of the Bands was still upon them, and they fittingly kicked this performance off with their cover of Kiss' "Strutter", before playing their original "Lock Me In"! Good performance, though "Lock Me In"'s audio is staticy.

Filmed by an attendee and uploaded onto Facebook the next day by frontman Mikey Lion, you can view the original video at NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED! All credit for this videos goes to the original filmer, Mikey, and the rest of Lion Ride for all their hard work, I'm just exposing this video to a wider audience! Plus, how often are you gonna see a video like this? Because both songs are full and have a clear divide, I split the video in two for the upload, so click here for "Lock Me In" or visit the above links, and here is Lion Ride (as Paul Stanley) covering "Strutter"!

That's all for now, but I have a new news post featuring a LOCAL CONCERT ALERT later tonight, so stay tuned for that! Thanks everyone!

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