Sunday, November 18, 2012

Last Month's Poll Results & The Site's Newest Poll!

Being that it's the 18th of the month, it's time to close last month's poll on the site and launch another new poll! As you may remember, last month's poll posed this question to you guys: In your opinion, what does the local scene need most to ensure more metal/hard rock concerts? 25 votes in total, which isn't bad, but it could have been a bit higher. Still, thanks to everyone who voted! Now, what choices won this poll? The final results are below!

More active concert promoters (7 votes, 28%)
More metal-friendly concert venues (6 votes, 24%)
More active live bands (3 votes, 12%)
More touring bands playing locally (3 votes, 12%)
Other (3 votes, 12%)
More news coverage from local media (2 votes, 8%)
More musicians to start/join bands (1 vote, 4%)
The scene's cyclical, it will naturally improve soon (0 votes)
Nothing, everything's perfect as it is (0 votes)

What do you guys think? Well, in ascending order, I am somewhat surprised that no one picked my cyclical theory over specific issues, but it does show that people want improvements, given that no one picked the other zero-vote option! I expected more people to want more local musicians to join bands, but I can see that not being a direct cause for low concert amounts. News coverage fit about where I expected it to though! "Other", I can't comment on what the people who voted for it had in mind, but I wonder if any of them were thinking about seeking grants to help provide more shows in the region? The other three vote choices relate to bands playing live here, and while I agree with each, they both tie into the top two choices a lot as it is. Second place ("More metal-friendly concert venues") and the poll winning "More active concert promoters" both highlight recent issues that I know some people have had, as every so often, people I know will complain that there's not very many places to play, and there's no one promoting non-cover shows.

You can tell this was asked when metal concerts here weren't booming, but the numbers are gaining ground again right now, and I'm sure they'll peak again around Christmas. There certainly should be more active concert promoters nowadays on either side of the border, and it'd be nice to see more local venues open their doors to bands that don't only play covers on the weekends, but as I've said before, the scene cycles. There are low points & high points, and when school's out and some local bookers and musicians are more free, we'll see more activity, but it'd be nice to see the low points evened out and containing at least a few more shows. Still, thanks to everyone for voting!

Now, to this month's new poll! While I thought about getting a head start on our "Favourite _____ of 2012" polls today, I opted to wait until next month to start those, as there's over a month to go for new bands, albums, shows, and news to make it our way. So, like last year when we similarly postponed a poll of this type, we're dipping back into the pool of non-local bands with Sault Ste. Marie natives in their lineup! We're updating this series' entries this month to keep you guys in the loop on what these out of town bands are(n't) up to nowadays, and that includes many who've played in the Sault area in the past! In that respect, I've posed this question once again to you guys: "Which ACTIVE out of town band with a Saultite in their lineup do you most want to see next at a local concert?"  Like last year, we've excluded studio-only projects (like Brynhildr), bands that have no Saultites in their current lineup (i.e. most of David Gold's old bands), and ones that are defunct/inactive (such as Phatstick or Papa Fogals Chair.)

I've selected picked 15 active metal/hard rock bands that feature a Saultite in their current lineup for this poll, and that includes seven bands not included last year, three that we have yet to profile in our monthly Saultites In Out Of Town Bands Profiles (and yes, "Other"), so read on below for what you need to know on each band!

Azriahl: Only recently securing a Saultite thanks to the addition of guitarist Paul Tikkanen last summer, this Peterborough hard rock band are on the rise in recent months partly thanks to the release of their debut CD and the planned live debut of their full band on December 22nd. Would you want to see their alternative and retro-tinged hard rock stylings on the local stage the most?

Bury Your Demons: We haven't touched on this band yet on the site, but Montgomery, Illinois death metal band Bury Your Demons just happen to feature Sault Michigan native Scott Mills as their bassist! From what I've heard of them, they're very brutal and should whet many death metal fans' appetites, but I don't think Bury Your Demons have ever played in the area. Are they the out of town band you'd most wanna see up here?

The Dyadics: Another band we've yet to cover on the SMS, The Dyadics are a hard rock duo out of London, Ontario who are fronted by Sault Ontario native Kevin Kennedy! Carving out their own name down south with a couple of CDs and assorted live concerts, their diverse and often bouncy take on the genre is unique in ways beyond their two man nature, but should The Dyadics come to Sault Ste. Marie for a show?

Fifth Way: This prominent Detroit hard rock band (featuring Rudyard native Zak Stelmaszek on guitar) are definitely no strangers to the area, having played numerous Sault Michigan concerts in recent years, including a number of slots as openers at major Kewadin Casino concerts! Despite their revolving door of bassists as of late, should Zak bring Fifth Way back home sooner rather than later?

Genocya: Lansing, Michigan's Genocya have been tearing up the Lower Peninsula for the past decade, and with Sault native Matt "Yukon" Cunningham being part of the fold since 2008, there's even more reason to take note! Their blackened death metal sound has carried them well with various CD releases and major concert appearances in the midwestern U.S.A., but should Genocya come up north for a change?

The Heatseeking Moisture Missiles: Sault Ontario native and Windsor Zene administrator Ash Richtig is among the most prolific local musicians concerning their out of town output, with no less than three active bands at present! The oldest is T.H.S.M.M., the "junk rock" quartet that he's drummed in since 2008. Their metal and punk blend has given them solid notoriety in the Windsor area, but is Ash overdue to bring The Heatseeking Moisture Missiles up north?

Infathom: The surprising runaway winners of this poll last year, Infathom (well, 4/5ths of them) were actually last seen at the second annual LemmaFest in Sault Michigan this past June! The Munising metal band fronted by ex-Half A Man singer Dillion Semasky hit some big heights at their peak, but school commitments have slowed band activity in the 2010s. Still, should Infathom head back to the Eastern U.P. for some more metal mayhem in the near future?

The Line Drawn: The newest project from the aforementioned Ash Richtig, The Line Drawn are a hardcore punk band featuring Ash on bass alongside former bandmates of his from other projects. Only launched in August, The Line Drawn will make their live concert debut THIS SATURDAY in St. Thomas, but despite the lack of media so far, would The Line Drawn be your top choice to play in the Soo?

The Lust Boys: Though their planned local debut was scuttled in March following the breakdown of their tour van, the Victoria, B.C. "sleaze rock" outfit featuring Sault Ontario native Ben "Benny Blitz" Kemp-Reynolds continue to deliver a retro-inflused blend of glam metal and punk to each one of their concerts and releases! Should Benny and company try again for a road trip to Sault Ste. Marie before any other band?

Maximum RNR: This Toronto-based cult hardcore punk quintet has made at least three appearances in Sault Ontario, including their latest stop at The Rockstar Bar in June, and they continue to deliver fast paced and energetic old school hardcore to the masses! Currently featuring Saultites Brenton "Diamond Brent Panther" Ellis & Curtis Faux in their lineup, should their Detroit-esque current sound be welcomed back in the near future on the local stage?

Mothership: Recent updates from this Ottawa-based Led Zeppelin tribute band have been minimal, with no concerts having taken place since February. Hopefully they're still together though, as Mothership provided a solid take on the classic Led Zeppelin sound, and not just because ex-That's Chester singer Ritch Fullerton was their "Robert Plant"! Would you wanna see Ritch come back west to deliver some Led Zeppelin hits?

NeanderTHRALL: The final active band from the ever-prolific Ash Richtig, this currently-three piece doom/stoner metal band have made their own waves in the Windsor area with their jam-heavy and sludgy brand of metal, though recent updates have been slow compared to T.H.S.M.M. and The Line Drawn. Should Ash bring NeanderTHRALL up north for a concert, especially with the lack of doom & stoner metal we get nowadays?

RedStone Riot: 2012 has been bigger than ever for Muskegon, Michigan's RedStone Riot, the band featuring 3 ex-members of Elipzis, including Sault Michigan natives Rachel Kiger & Ryan Harrison! Soon entering the studio to record their debut album, their female-fronted brand of hard rock is hard to beat, but should RedStone Riot come up to Sault Michigan more than once a year for live concerts?

S.C.A.R.: Better known in the Windsor area than locally, this metal/hard rock band fronted by Haggith drummer Mike Haggith have been active off & on since 2006, playing occasional live concerts and recording tons of original material in similar ways to Mike's prolific solo projects. Should Mike bring S.C.A.R. to Sault Ste. Marie in the future, or even record some band material locally?

Violet Fuse: Over a year removed from their later-cancelled set at the 2011 Hempfest, Violet Fuse have yet to play a live concert in Sault Ste. Marie. Still, the London hard rock trio featuring drummer/Soo native Thom Edwards are very prominent with their own CD and popular live concerts in Southern Ontario, but it it only a matter of time before they make a successful first splash in Sault Ste. Marie?

Other: Do you have another band in mind? Did I miss the out of town band with a local member that you enjoy the most? Would you rather see a defunct band, one with no Saultites in their lineup, or a studio-only project? If the non-local band with local representation that you'd rather vote for isn't here, then vote for "Other"!

VOTE TODAY!! You have until December 18th to cast your ballots, and then we'll reveal the final results and launch our first "Best of 2012" poll on the site! Stay tuned for that and a new news post shortly! Thanks everyone!

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