Saturday, April 20, 2013

LOCAL CONCERT ALERTS (The Golers, SNFU, And The Dayglo Abortions), And More!!

Well guys, we have a stacked post for huge new LOCAL CONCERT ALERTS today, as local concert promoter/singer J.D. Pearce (a.k.a. Johnny Pints) officially announced four huge metal/punk concerts taking place this summer & fall (one of which is awaiting venue confirmation) on Thursday via separate Facebook event pages, and these include some major returning hardcore punk bands from out of town, a few band debuts, at least one venue you may not expect, and some familiar local opening faces! Just to note before we get into these: Most have been mentioned, but not confirmed, through certain opening bands' online pages, but they hadn't been confirmed otherwise until Thursday. Also, I don't know which of these (if any) is/are the show(s) that the winners of Wednesday's Rockstar Bar Battle of the Bands Finals will get an opening slot at, but I believe J.D. does have at least one more major concert for this year to announce, so it might not be any of these.

When I hear more, I'll let you guys know, but with that said, here's what you currently need to know on each gig (in chronological order), and check out our profile of last year's Sault Humane Society Battle of the Bands in the post below this one!

We start at The Roosevelt Hotel on June 20th for J.D.'s sixth Thursday night show at The Rosie since last year, but all three bands will be playing there for the first time, including headliners The Golers! This crossover thrash quartet from Vancouver have made a big name for themselves in the past decade with dark humour, aggressive metal originals, and plenty of tour runs with major bands throughout North America & Europe, and they should fit right in for this concert on June 20th! The local opening bands include local hardcore/punk quintet Destroilet (in likely their first gig since opening for The Ripcordz last week) and new sludge/doom metal trio AlgomA, in just their second ever public concert! It's great to see Destroilet playing more frequently following the end of their 2 year concert hiatus, and AlgomA should impress in what should be a higher profile setting, as they have the talent and sound to go along with it! This show starts at 10:00 PM on June 20th, admission will be $10 (with advance ticket details forthcoming), and you must be 19 to attend. For more details, visit the official Facebook event page!

This should be a very brutal metal-leaning concert, and with it's familiar placement on the old Rosie metal nights' stronghold, things will be familiar despite the newer and less frequently seen bands, so don't miss The Golers and two furious local opening acts on June 20th, and stay tuned for updates!

The biggest of all of J.D.'s newly announced shows is next on Monday, July 8th, and it involves the return of three prominent out of town bands, including no less than Vancouver hardcore punk legends SNFU and Los Angeles hardcore quintet Death By Stereo! Both were last seen here at separate major local concerts in the spring of 2009 (SNFU headlined at The Grand Theater that April, and Death By Stereo opened for Strung Out at The Canadian the next month), and this show melds the past and present of hardcore punk by their presences on the lineup! SNFU are of course legends in the Canadian punk/hardcore scene, while Death By Stereo are quite popular and prominent partly thanks to their own energetic recent concerts, so don't miss all of this action come July! The other out of town band is The Fairmounts, the Toronto punk band led by veteran local musician Mikey Hawdon, in their first local concert since the Halloween party at The Algonquin Pub, and it'll be Mikey's second stab at opening for Death By Stereo locally, as he played the May 2009 show as well with The Inner City Surfers.

Picture a full on punk version of Lion Ride, and you have The Fairmounts, who should put in a fun set of originals and covers in their local return this summer! There are slots for two local opening bands, one of which is Jack Spades, a new local band fronted by this show's promoter J.D. Pearce, though it's unclear what their genre is, who else is in the band, and anything else really beyond this almost-barren Facebook page. Will they be similar to Frightlight, T-Rex Manning, or Fitswitch, or something brand new? Hopefully we'll find out soon-ish! The other opening slot is reserved for (hopefully) a younger band, with at least three members hoped to be in high school still. This makes sense, as it's an ALL AGES concert, and I know getting underagers playing at and attending concerts will breathe some new air into the scene, so if you're in a young punk/metal band, message J.D. at this location if you want in on this show! Speaking of which, where is this massive gig being held? How's The Canadian Bushplane Heritage Center sound?

The first metal/punk concert to take place at the Pim Street museum since November's Bushplane Musical Madness show, I imagine there's a huge space for a show of this size to go down in, and hopefully this is just the second of many heavier concerts to take place at the Bushplane Museum! Start times & ticket availability details haven't been announced yet, but tickets for this ALL AGES show are $30 in advance ($40 at the door), which is steep, but worth it with this high profile lineup! Check the official Facebook event page for more details, and be sure to check the above links for more on what could be the biggest hardcore punk show of 2013!

The other confirmed concert will take place on Monday, September 9th at The Roosevelt Hotel, and it will see the return of Victoria, British Columbia hardcore punk legends The Dayglo Abortions! Over two years after their most recent local date (at The Rosie in June 2011), the often controversial but highly revered Canadian punk veterans will be sure to attract another massive crowd this fall for their local return, and I know many local fans have been clamoring for their return since their 2011 date here! There will be three opening bands, including the aforementioned Jack Spades (in their likely Rosie debut) and Destroilet, but the other announced opening act will be Cross Dog, the new project from veteran local musician Mark Rand! Aside from scattered online mentions, I know nothing on them (i.e. full lineup, genre, or if they're locally based), but I'll note that Mark has lived in Southern Ontario in recent years, and he only rarely uses Facebook, so I have no idea when/if we'll hear more on the project.

Myself, I wouldn't be surprised if they're similar to his hardcore punk projects like Detroit or Kidshit, but as soon as I get any confirmation on them (and Jack Spades), I'll let you guys know! Advance tickets will go on sale in August for $10 (with $15 charges at the door), you must be 19 to attend, and a 9:00 PM start time is advertised. For more details, visit the official Facebook event page! J.D.'s done it again, and this should be another huge concert for punk and metal fans, so stay tuned for updates, including confirmation on Jack Spades & Cross Dog's lineup & genre! Now, there was one more concert announcement concerning Toronto hardcore punk band The Bunchofuckingoofs playing here in August with local opening acts, but I'm waiting for venue confirmation before announcing it on here. It's official and public, but I try not to plug announced shows on here until there's a host venue secured, hence the delay. Click here for current details on that front, and when a venue's confirmed, we'll start the SMS push, as it should be a good one as well!

That's all for today, but stay tuned for more news and notes tomorrow (including Woods of Ypres/Juno Awards fallout), and this month's YouTube Channel Profiles on Monday, as our posting streak pushes into it's 56th straight day! Thanks everyone!

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