Tuesday, March 17, 2015

LOCAL CONCERT ALERT (Lucky 13), Giwakwa & Blood Shed Updates, And More!!

I wasn't expecting to have a second post today, but with a SHORT NOTICE LOCAL CONCERT ALERT for TONIGHT, we have most of tomorrow's intended post a day early! Also read on below for assorted recent news and updates, the latest from a local label, and long awaited news from a recently dormant metal band, but be sure to check out our extended preview of TOMORROW'S VM Radio Battle semifinal in the post below this one! Without any further adieu, here's what you need to know!

Local classic/hard rock quartet Lucky 13 will apparently return to The Rockstar Bar TONIGHT for their own St. Patrick's Day concert! Apologies for the short notice, we only heard about this show via the venue's Facebook group this afternoon, and the band has not publically promoted this event that I have seen. I wish the band would have announced this show, as St. Patrick's Day or not, it is a Tuesday nighter, but hopefully there's a solid turnout TONIGHT as Ed, Jeremey, Jeff, and Roger rock out with their alternative rock renditions for a second time in less than a week, and if you're expecting to have some adult beverages, green beer and Irish Jell-O shooters will be on sale! Also, don't forget that Havadder are celebrating this Irish holiday at The Rednecks Saloon tonight as well. Lucky 13's show has a 19+ age limit, no announced cover, and a 10:00 PM start time. See above for more info, and here's the guys at Toystock 2012!

Next up, remember the local death/sludge metal band Giwakwa, best known from their mid-2013 concert run in the area? Well, they are still alive, so here's their latest updates! Amidst sporadic teases in recent months, the band revealed on their Facebook page last week that they have a new bass player to replace the departed Nolan Rainville, who has largely been working out of town in the past year+. Their identity hasn't been revealed yet, but Giwakwa are apparently "almost ready to rock the stage again." Great to hear, it's been far too long! As a teaser, the guys uploaded a new video to their YouTube channel on Friday, which features guitarist Chris Page & drummer Chris Thompson playing a new Giwakwa song named "Blood, Skin, and Sinew", so how does it sound? Fast and loud with a good crunch, but obviously, there's no vocals or bass to fill it out yet (and as you can see, the camera slowly tilts upward and falls.) Still, nice teaser, so give it a look below, and hopefully we hear more soon!

Also, here's the latest from two of local independent label Blood Shed Productions' local metal bands! One is local death metal duo Brutally Fatal, who have uploaded three new songs from their still upcoming release "The D.P.E.P." to their Bandcamp page! I won't say the name of one here due to it's content, but two of them are called "Table For One" & "Cardiovascular Disorder", and they do revisit the band's early death metal sound again, so give them a listen above if you want! No word yet on when we might see the full disc be released, but the guys were teasing playing "our first actual redemption show" next month, so read into that however you want. Meanwhile, drummer and label owner Tyler Gibson's cybergrind solo project Malignant Neoplasm have announced plans for a release this year called "A Malignant Neoplasm of the Intestines", complete with planned artwork, but we'll again hold on showing that here due to it's content.

The gang over at the Blood Shed are keeping very busy, so visit both Facebook pages linked above for more info on those projects, and stay tuned in the coming days for more on the label's new webseries!

Finally for today, here's three assorted shorter items from the last little while, and as usual, these are in alphabetical order by artist name:

  • Is Danger Cats frontwoman Kate "Kougar" Drew leaving the band this summer? Earlier today, she posted on the Musicians Wanted Facebook page looking for musicians in the London area to start a new band with, as she's planning to move there in August, though she didn't elaborate on why. Nothing has been confirmed yet regarding The Danger Cats' status, but no matter what, best of luck to Kate on the upcoming move, and message her if you can help find London musicians for a new band there!
  • Speak Easy Battle runners-up Long Shot are expanding their social media presence, as the hard rock quartet now have Twitter and Instagram pages! Content is minimal on both so far, but there is a photo of a sheet of lyrics for a new original song on Instagram. Looks promising, so stay tuned for more from them!
  • Staying in the realm of new original lyrics, a sheet with the lyrics to Haggith drummer Mike Haggith's new solo song "A Drive Through The Peninsula" (for his upcoming album "The Warinside") is pictured in this new photo on his Facebook page, and yes, you can make out many of the words! The song (and album) are to be released, but vocal tracking is underway, so stay tuned for updates

That's all for today, but barring any surprise posts tomorrow, we'll see you guys next at TOMORROW NIGHT'S VM Radio Battle of the Bands semifinal! Thanks everyone!

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