Friday, December 18, 2015

Last Month's Poll Results & Our First Poll On The Favourites Of 2015!!

For our second post on this Friday, we have the results of last month's poll and the launch of our newest poll, our final of 2015! First though, let's touch on last month's results from this question: Should more local metal, hard rock, and punk bands play acoustic concerts? Only 9 votes, but there are clear results from them, so thanks to those of you who did vote, and here's the final tally of the votes!

It depends on the band, not every one would fit (4 votes, 45%)
Sure, it'd be a change of pace and/or more marketable! (2 votes, 22%)
No, I prefer my metal & punk to be electric (2 votes, 22%)
Only for special occasions (1 vote, 11%)
Indifferent/no opinion (0 votes)

What do you guys think? Well, despite the low vote turnout, the results do show that most of the voters are at least partially receptive to acoustic or unplugged concerts from local metal, hard rock, and punk acts, with a poll-high 4 indicating that it depends on the band. I can understand the 2 dissenters, as personal preferences are what they are (especially for such aggressive genres), but fans do seem to like the idea, at least with some reservations! There's no clear trend towards acoustic shows becoming a common thing from otherwise electric acts, but I'm all for bands doing acoustic sets on at least an occasional basis, and there are some bands that would definitely make such an event into a unique occasion based on their sound and success alone (acoustic Bear Hunters, anyone?) Hopefully we see more of this in the future from the right bands!

Thanks to everyone for voting! As for this month's poll, I thought we should kick off our "favourite _____ of 2015" polls now that this year is winding down, and with that in mind, we're posing this question this month: What is your favourite new local metal, hard rock, or punk band of 2015? Of course, we saw a handful of new bands make their debut on the local scene this year, and while we have seen stronger years for debuting metal and alternative bands, there's some notable names within that will hopefully keep the good vibes going into the late 2010s! We have culled 7 bands (and "Other") for this year's installment, and like in past years, bands must have both publically launched AND made their live debut in the year 2015 (hence the absence of bands like Dullahan and The Red & Black.) As well, bands outside of our covered genre range, one-off bands, and existing bands who underwent a name change don't count either. Now, here are your choices!

Caroline Divine: Successors to the defunct Frasiers, power trio Caroline Divine turned up the dial with a heavier glam/power pop sound that has won them many fans since their debut in June, including sets at this year's Rotaryfest Second Stage and Lopstock, with studio recording plans also now in play! Caroline Divine are definitely on the rise, but are they your top new band of the year?

Eclipse: Though still without an online page, Eclipse are a nu-metal side project from members of Project 421 that you may remember from playing at The Rockstar Bar last month, with a New Year's Eve show also to be announced, plus their likely participation in next year's second Speak Easy Battle of the Bands. There's still some unanswered questions, but have you seen enough to vote for them?

Faceityoureametalband: We've only seen this new hardcore punk project from RedD Monkey, Bear Hunters, and Pillory alumni once this year (at Swampstravaganza IV), and they too lack an online page, but fans of frontman Steve Mozarowski's past band work took to Faceityoureametalband during their lone show! A later listed set was quietly cancelled, but did you still like them the most?

Id Iota: Debuting in June at the same Algonquin Pub show that introduced us to Caroline Divine, Id Iota are an alternative hard rock band that succeeded Habitat Shuffle and feature alumni of Free Beer & The Vertically Impaired in their lineup. Notably opening for Saturn Alien that same month, Id Iota have been noticeably quiet since then, but did you like them the most in this poll?

Infinity Grinder: Uniting former No Arrow bassist Brad Griffith and Northern Tragedy drummer Terrence Gomes into an alternative two man band, Infinity Grinder debuted at March's Speak Easy Battle of the Bands, and later made a strong impression at this year's Swampstravaganza, though they too have been fairly quiet in recent months. Did Terrence & Brad leave enough of a mark on you?

Leaked: A young hard/classic rock trio featuring new Mike Haggith & The Din guitarist Tammy Hill, Leaked made their debut at Korah Collegiate school events, including their annual Relay For Life, but once again, this is a band that we haven't heard updates from in a number of months. Leaked showed promise, but did you have them as your #1 new local band of 2015?

Stereo North: One of the most visible new punk/alternative bands of the year, pop punk quartet Stereo North debuted at this year's Bon Soo Marquee, and have since made waves opening for the likes of Exes For Eyes & Broomfiller, and also had a strong showing at the VM Radio Battle! Featuring T-Rex Manning & Starlit Sins alumni, did you like Stereo North the most?

Other: Did you prefer a different new band to those given above? Did a non-metal/punk band pique your interest more? Did a band that hasn't debuted yet do enough to earn your vote? Maybe you liked a new band from out of town that has a Saultite member? Maybe we forgot a band? If your preferred choice isn't above, vote for "Other"!

VOTE TODAY!! You guys have until January 18th to cast your votes, and it'll be interesting to see the final results, so do so A.S.A.P., and stay tuned for more news and notes in short order! Thanks everyone!

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