Friday, August 23, 2024

The ARCH Run Concert Preview!!

For post #4 of this very busy slate of weekend concert previews, we're looking at the first of this weekend's two motorcycle rallies in support of the Algoma Regional Community Hospice! Now, I want to preface our previews by noting that I am not going into details about or taking sides re: the Dragonfly Run's split with Jay's Piston Broke Pub, or Jay's decision to host the ARCH Run the day prior. At least in a public sense, I only know the Dragonfly Run organizers' side of the break, and you can read their statement at this link. Regardless of what happened, both rallies are donating their proceeds to ARCH, which is a very worthy cause to support no matter how you do it, and I hope both rallies meet expectations!

Now, here's our extended profile of TOMORROW's first annual ARCH Run, which replaces the Dragonfly Run at Jay's Piston Broke Pub (also this run's hosts). The centerpiece of this event is (of course) a motorcycle rally through town in support of the hospice, and while riders have been pledging money in support of ARCH, you can also contribute by attending the street party outside of Jay's featuring a busy lineup of local musicians, vendors, a silent auction, prize draws, and more! Visit Jay's Facebook page and the official Facebook event page for full non-musical details. While we knew fragments of the live music lineup prior, organizers only announced the full band schedule on Wednesday, and there will be some hard rock to take in! The closing band outside of Jay's at 8:00 PM tomorrow is local hard rock quintet HeadFirst, moved up from their originally announced 5:00 PM set, and they should end the street party with a bang tomorrow evening!

Co-headlining outside tomorrow at 7:00 PM are Dodge This, the new local acoustic rock duo featuring former Phatstick frontman Jason Taillefer and former Havadder/Band Camp Rejects guitarist Jamie July. You may recall seeing the two playing at The Dive Gastro Pub in recent weeks, preceded by Jason's own solo dates there, and it will be interesting to see how their set goes over! The 6:00 PM set belongs to a mystery act named "The Preacher", who I know nothing concrete about, but I do know that veteran local musician Lindsay Pugh has a song of that name on his most recent solo album. Whether that's relevant or not, I don't know, but we'll let you know if we hear anything! Pop rock cover quartet Bourbon Blue (whose members played at the Dragonfly Run last year as "Nicky & The Southpaws") will take the outdoor stage at 5:00 PM before they head inside Jay's as their regular nighttime performers.

Note that Double Down drummer Ric Datson will be filling in with Bourbon Blue this weekend due to Alvaro Scheid's inavailability, and he'll be very fitting as a guest! Rising young metal trio The BAG will rock the street party at 4:00 PM to give things a bit of a heavier kick, while the 3:00 PM set belongs to Dark Side Of The Soo, a local Pink Floyd tribute band largely comprised of Bourbon Blue members. I'm unfamiliar with them as a public concern, but if you recall Jules & Nicole's prior tribute band The Soo Fighters, you know that they can handle tribute sets easily! Country rock veterans Tex Riviera & The Ride hit the stage at 2:00 PM, while your opening band at 1:00 PM is The Hoovers, who are new to me, but according to classic/hard rock cover quartet Soundcheck's Facebook page, their set will see three members (likely absent Terry or Cameron) backing up a friend named Dwayne on vocals & guitar for this afternoon-opening set.

I'm not even familiar with which musician named Dwayne that the band referenced, but be there at 1:00 PM to learn what you can about The Hoovers! Soundcheck's support for this set came together on late notice, for the record. The street party proper begins at 11:00 AM, and it is FREE & ALL AGES, though of course, consider donating to ARCH however you can while on Korah Road tomorrow, and the rally through the city starts and ends at Jay's. Weather-wise, we are looking at mostly cloudy skies with temperatures ranging from 21-24° throughout the day, but note that 9&10 News is calling for a 30% chance of rain from about 2:00 PM onwards, with a chance of thunder until around 4:00 PM. If you are at all concerned about the weather impairing any of the events outside of Jay's, then keep tabs on their social media for any extra details. It sounds like the ARCH Run has a lot planned for a great cause, so don't miss out on all of the action!

We'll preview Sunday's Dragonfly Run next, but visit the above links for complete public details about tomorrow's ARCH Run, and I hope that loads of cash are raised for the hospice, who are always deserving of support from the community! For a preview, here's HeadFirst live last month!

That's all for today, but stay tuned for our Dragonfly Run and Wax Mannequin previews tomorrow! Thanks everyone!

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