Gnaeus has yet to reveal prices for "Meditations", or potential online availability, but a price in the $10 range would be likely, and we'll let you guys know when we hear anything in that regard! Featuring 9 songs running for about 34 minutes in length, let's begin our advance review with a look at the first song, "Lovers"! An upbeat, faster paced original with a garage/indie-inspired guitar riff, this gives fans a good look at Aaron's grittier-than-expected vocals, which give the song a bluesy bent (imagine if the song was played slower on purpose?) This studio version is a little more direct and not as poppy sounding as their early studio recording, but it's well performed, with Brad's synth playing a nice compliment, and Brendan's drumming is well paced! If anything, this song could use an extra guitar track to fill it out, as the verses do sound a little empty, but it's a very solid opener!

Fourth is "The Edge", which is the slowest & most intimate song yet on this CD, with a pleasant yet serious aura and, despite the reserved nature, arguably the fullest sounding yet on the album! The singing is a nice match to the tone here, and Brad's synth work helps convey the melancholy yet nice mood throughout! Based on personal preference, I do prefer other songs to this one, but if you like indie and alternative music more than their punk and garage influences, you'll enjoy "The Edge"! Things pick up though on the next song, "Calling Out", which is a little darker and plays more on their garage side of their sound, with strong guitar work and a somewhat ominous rhythm and riff to go along. To me, this song tends to meander a little bit, and the vocals sound like they were lowered in the mix despite their chorus aggression but it's strongly done for it's intent and style, and Brendan's drumming keeps things rolling well!
Let's play "Exercise in Self Awareness" next for this review, and despite the removal of "An" from the start of the title, this remains one of my favourite of Gnaeus' originals! Aaron's forceful, direct vocals and Matt's backing screams compliment each other overtop strong instrumentation, including a cool solo and a nice catchy rhythm that has always caught my attention! The backing audio again has some empty qualities, and the song is way too short (an album low 2:31), but it packs a wallop while it lasts, and it's a personal highlight! Track #7 is "Fire", which is sort of a "call to arms" song asking fans to let their fire out and stand up for what you believe in. One of their punkiest songs yet in tone and message, this song still retains their garage qualities with strong synth work and nice melodic licks, but like with it's preceding track, it feels like it ends before it really gets going, and the lyrics could be a little more varied.
Second-last on "Meditations" is "When You're Gone", which has a personal sounding, romantic theme to go along with a solid vocal performance from Aaron that again has some blues influence (might the "keep it cool, kid" line be a reference to the local band K.I.C.K.?) My biggest problem with this song is the chorus, which has members providing gang vocals (good for their punk side), but uses them for a largely repetitive chorus that mostly repeat the title. I'd have varied the lyrics there, but I like the verses, and Brendan has some of his best drumming yet in this song's latter half! This album closes with "The Sound", and to paraphrase it's chorus, the sounds they make work fine on this slower, methodical garage rock number that reminds me a bit of "Calling Out". Though the song again has some emptiness in the verses, well utilized vocals from Aaron and Matt, a gradual building pace, and a very strong ending to the album for fans of Gnaeus' diverse range of styles!

As well, many songs sounded like they needed an extra guitar track (either from Brad or a hypothetical fifth member) to fill out emptier stretches, but overall, this is a strong launch for this very talented band, and I know Gnaeus will have more great things to follow up with in the future! Pick up your copy of "Meditations" THIS FRIDAY, stay tuned for more details on it, and keep an eye out for our likely review of The Din's debut CD "Give In To The Din" next month! Thanks everyone!
1 comment:
I cannot stop listening to this album. I've had it in my car for a few days now (lucky enough to have snagged an early copy!) and I wouldn't dare skip a track. I think it's absolutely amazing from start to finish! What a talented group of guys. For the record, when you listen to it on the CD it's easier to notice that the end of Mountains was intended to blend into the beginning of Circles- it was really cool to hear it the first time! Really great review��
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