Today's SMS post is 100% devoted to new videos from local artists, so let's begin with this teaser video for TOMORROW'S Sky's the Limit mental health fundraiser concert at The Tech, courtesy of performers The Din! Posted to their Facebook page on Monday, the video starts with drummer Brandan Glew outlining the show, location, and what to expect (complete with scrolling ticker), while noting that they'll debut a new song at the show. Mike Haggith & Tammy Hill give a demo of it next, and while I won't spoil it, it is a cover, and a flute comes into play! The irreverence continues with Brandan noting that his bandmates were missing, before we find out what actions Tammy takes to rectify the alternative power trio's absence from the concert poster. Cute video, if a little disjointed, but it's good press for this concert, so give it a look below, and stay tuned for our preview of this show next!
Next up, here's another new cover from ex-Elipzis bassist/Riot! By Night frontman Ryan Harrison's YouTube channel, this time of the Sault Michigan native covering R.E.M.'s "Losing My Religion", which he described as one of his favourite tunes. Edited in post to make the video black & white with a dream-like filter, the song is slowed down from the original, and features some vocal distortion, but it's not badly handled, so give it a look below! Also today, I wanted to give a long, long overdue acknowledgement to an extremely prolific Instagram page from a fellow Sault Michigan-area artist, that being Project 906 guitarist Joe Jenkins, who has posted dozens upon dozens of solo performance videos (and select band videos) there since 2014. Joe has shared a few of these as YouTube channel uploads too, but the lions share of his solo uploads are on Instagram, and I believe this is also the only public page where you can see footage of his recent defunct band Ten Kings anymore, so keep that in mind! Though this originally began as a personal account, Joe has actually developed a sizable following on Instagram, with 888 followers there to check out his assorted guitar videos, including covers, demonstrations, and original pieces alike, and even singing on a few! There's way too many to individually address and link to on here, but if you know Joe's recent band work and YouTube content, you'll know what talent and skill he has!
Be sure to check out and/or follow his Instagram account above, stay tuned for updates on Project 906's benefit fundraiser in Brimley next weekend, and here's Joe's newest video from last week, of him playing around with his new loop switcher pedal, which you may see used in concert!
Finally for today, here's a video that is admittedly two weeks late, but I thought it was worth acknowledging on here, if only for the oddity factor. This is a video that Pixo Control frontman Michael Mikus filmed to promote their LopLops Lounge concert (Id Iota's EP release show) on April 21st, which was shared on the venue's Facebook page that same day. Presumably for humorous effect, the 14 second video is strictly focused on Michael's mouth, with him using a comical higher-pitched voice to plug the show, bands, and EP. It's definitely different, so give it a look below, apologies for this being so late, and stay tuned for our Sky's The Limit preview!
That's all for today, but stay tuned for weekend concert previews next! Thanks everyone!
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