Saturday, October 12, 2024

Defunct Local Band Profile Series: The Shaner & Sir Hell

With weekend concert previews out of the way, it's now time for this month's Defunct Local Band Profiles, as we again look at randomly selected local metal, hard rock, and punk bands from the past with surviving online pages of note, in order to spotlight them and their activity for modern readers! Due to a lack of posted information, I added a second band without much to say to round things out with, so here's what you should know for our first double profile in this series in almost two years!


The Shaner

Hometown: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Genre: Alternative Rock/Metal


Shane Solomon, all instruments

Info/Analysis: Active primarily from 2010-2012 with a brief comeback in the early 2020s, The Shaner was primarily seen posting material on Reverbnation, though given how that site is set up, it's extremely hard to find dates for posted content. There's not a lot posted about Shane's music there, but he used to stream on Twitch. Over thirty songs are posted there, where Shane shows a solid base as a hard rock and metal guitarist on songs like "War", "The Jugular", and "Silks & Dangling", with some songs showing off a bluesy or funk influence. He'd be an asset to bands if he wanted to join one, and it'd be interesting to see The Shaner return, especially beyond what Reverbnation can offer!


Sir Hell

Hometown: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Genre: Metal/Indie Rock


Mitch Sirie (The Bear Hunters, The Suicide Kings), most instruments

Info/Analysis: After previously manning short-lived solo projects like Animas, By The Gods, and The Sorrow Fields throughout the 2010s, prolific local metal guitarist Mitch Sirie launched a new "vessel for my madness" named Sir Hell early last year, who released a proper studio version of his old April Eyes song "Squirrel Buddy" (as famously covered by The Bear Hunters) that February. Mitch recorded this amusing novelty death metal song at Unsalted Audio with familiar special guests, and the strong production quality and collaborations seemed to hint at a promising future for Sir Hell, but nothing has followed since. Don't miss Mitch's planned final work with The Bear Hunters ahead though!


I hope you guys liked this month's Defunct Local Band Profiles! This series will return on or around November 10th when we return to looking at just one band, as our next randomly chosen group will be 2012-2017 classic/hard rock cover quartet Griphook. Watch for that then, and for more news and notes on the site this week! Thanks everyone!

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