Destroilet's New EP, The End Of Turner Up, And New Videos!
Hey guys, here's one more news post before I head to The Rosie tonight for Browbeat! Today, we have news on a surprising band breakup, some new concert videos, and leading things off, the latest on an upcoming EP, but before all that, remember to vote in the first four matchups in our SMS March Mayhem tournament on your left! The post below details the tournament rules, participating bands, and other tidbits for this eight week event! Now, to today's post!
The news on Destroilet's debut EP is flowing in, with lots to say on it! The self titled EP, which is being recorded with Aaron Gibbs at Meat Curtain Studios, will feature six songs, including two covers! Along with originals "End Me", "Hypocrite", "My Life", and "H.D.M.", Destroilet will cover songs by two of guitarist John Conway's other bands, those being The Billy Bastards' "Mile 58" and A-Null Seepage's "Got Beat Up"! The cover and liner notes for the album can also be seen at this location along with lots of photos from the recording sessions! It all sounds good, but can we preview the EP yet? Why yes we can! Three unmastered mixes of songs from the Destroilet EP are now posted on the band's MySpace page to check out! "End Me", "Got Beat Up", and "H.D.M." are posted, and though they're not mastered yet, they'll give you a nice taste of fast paced old school hardcore! Noisy and aggressive, just as I expected! I won't give detailed thoughts as I do fully intend on reviewing this EP after it comes out, but I will say that with a clear studio quality sound, everything comes through really well! Check the above links for all current details on the Destroilet EP, and check out the songs!
Next up, here's a big scoop I just heard about earlier today, and it's that local classic hard rock quintet Turner Up are parting ways after tonight's concert at The Rockstar Bar. Guitarist Len Ward told me in a phone call earlier today that the breakup is mutual and is basically to allow the band members to branch off into different paths musically and personally. I won't go into detail though, unless the band does, but most of the members are planning their next musical steps. As such, tonight's show at The Rockstar Bar with Machines Dream will be their last as Turner Up, and I have removed their remaining 2011 concert dates from the SMS at least for now, cause for all we know, a new band from Turner Up members could take them on for themselves. Turner Up have been active since late 2009, and amidst numerous lineup changes and sound alterations, they became one of the most frequent local sights at numerous area bars and concert spots over the past year. This news came as a complete surprise to me, especially given their busy nature and good chemistry, but best of luck to Krista, Len, Robert, Jeff, and Scott going forward!
Remember, to get your last taste of Turner Up before the breakup, head to The Rockstar Bar tonight, and if anything new on the breakup comes out, I'll have it here! And FYI, to account for their imminent end, I've removed them from our SMS March Mayhem bracket and replaced them with new local metal band Skull After Betrayal, with some matchup adjusting as well to keep things alphabetical. The post below features a new updated bracket!
We close this news post with some new videos, and first, here's the newest videos from Monday night's Buckcherry concert! YouTube user Brian H. Myles posted two videos from the concert onto his YouTube channel earlier this week, and they're of Buckcherry playing their songs "Sorry" and "Crazy Bitch"! Both appear to have been shot on a cell phone camera judging by the dimensions, but the quality's actually fairly good! Brian was a bit far from the stage though, so you get a lot of views of people's heads. With better quality audio, I can see what some people were saying about Buckcherry sounding off, especially with Josh Todd's singing, which seems more on one note than I'm used to. Not bad videos though, especially considering how they were shot, though I'd like to see more from Papa Roach and Fallen Heroes' sets! Check the above links to check out Brian's videos from Monday night, and here's his video of Buckcherry playing "Crazy Bitch"! It's heavier, it's a much longer video, and it features some good on-stage banter, so check it out below!
And finally, here's some more new video footage from Woods of Ypres' current East Coast tour! YouTube user impaledonafence1 has uploaded 5 new videos from their concert on Tuesday at Johnny Brenda's in Philadelphia onto his YouTube channel! You may recognize this user from his videos from their Philadelphia stop last July too. Like those, these videos are all filmed from sort of a top down isometric perspective, and all feature a nice red ambiance! Good quality, and the audio's very clear, though Joel Violette seems buried in black on the videos. The new videos from impaledonafence1 include footage of the band playing "The Shams Of Optimism" & "Crossing The 45th Parallel", "Everything I Touch Turns To Gold (Then To Coal)", "By The Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead)", "Suicide Cargoload (Drag That Weight)", and "A Meeting Place & Time", so click on each link to view the new footage! Good stuff, and I'll embed one here, so check out their performance of "By The Time You Read This (I Will Already Be Dead)" below! Stay tuned for much more from Woods of Ypres in the next little while!
That's all for tonight, but I'll see you guys at The Rosie TONIGHT for Browbeat, and I'll have more news tomorrow as well! Thanks everyone!
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